
Broadening the representation! "Native American filmmaker Sterlin Harjo will serve as a producer and joins...

Ivuoma Los Angeles by way of Nigeria
Broadening the representation! "Native American filmmaker Sterlin Harjo will serve as a producer and joins...

Classic Vanity Plates

PawsitiveworksK United States
How will this affect our educators and #youthmatter?
asnclr some place higher, NY
nobody will ever replace what ive learned from a far..... these past 10 years were immaculate to my soul .... your…
walkerjeric Suwanee, GA
How Trumpcare Will Crush Millennials and Their Boomer Parents
zenastours London
Why this homeless man will get a pauper's funeral with nobody there
atienolilian232 Nairobi, Kenya
@Sakaja I don't think he is ripe for that higher politics ,he will just fail on the nominations
JohnLester Global Social Entrepreneurship
2) His only recourse will be to claim “revolutionary powers.”
alexgrygry NYC
@davechensky will you guys be reviewing Niyatzi Gil Dortnala on the show?
Matchew_sticks Nwi 219 !!!
I will see Travis Scott on tour
@sr1_paul @SarahPalinUSA No-one will ever find them. It may even Obama himself sneaking in!!
waterstatues Greenville, SC
@NanddHer I am sure that they can CUT 10% across the board, no one will know the difference. Same in any business! #thewaterfountainguy

Created: 16 Mar 2017